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Please note that we only price match for authorized sellers’ pricing on their official website, and not on a third-party channel. We price match APMEX, JM Bullion, SD Bullion, Money Metals, and Provident Metals on their direct sites. Marketplace or third-party listing sites do not qualify. The products on our site and the competitor’s price must be identical to be eligible for a price match. We do not match limited-time and/or quantity offers, special deals or sales, pricing errors, bundled offers, free items, rebates, or other special offers. The price match is based on the premium over the spot price only.
Pricing in the table is for informational purposes only. While we strive to provide accurate information, errors may occur from time to time. The prices displayed in the comparison table are affected by several factors, including but not limited to the frequency on which competitors update their pricing, the accuracy of competitor data, and the ability of to pull prices from competitors. We recommend that you conduct your due diligence to verify the prices above. shall not be liable to you for consequential, incidental, indirect, punitive, or special damages in connection with your use of the website and price table above. Best Silver PricesUse this Compare and Save page to check for the best silver prices on most popular bullion products. We carry popular silver coins at the lowest prices possible. Compare silver prices to get the best deal on physical silver.Best Gold PricesWe aim to offer the best prices on gold. Get the best prices on gold eagles, the best prices on gold bars, and more. Check for the lowest gold prices using this Compare and Save page.